Shop Mens Shoes 8 - 22 and Womens Shoes 4 - 13

Store Directions

Friedman's Shoes is located at 209 Mitchell Street in the heart of downtown Atlanta, between Spring & Forsyth Streets near the CNN Center, the Georgia Dome, Phillips Arena and the World Congress Center.

From the Airport:
Take 85 North to Exit 246 (Central Ave.,Georgia Dome, Fulton Street)
Stay in left-hand lane onto Central Ave.
Stay straight for 2.5 Miles and take a left on Martin Luther King Jr.
Stay in right-hand lane on Martin Luther King Jr.
At 5th traffic light take a left onto Spring Street
Next traffic light take a left onto Mitchell Street.

From North Atlanta:
Take 85 South to Exit 248A (Martin Luther King Jr.,State Capitol, Turner Field)
Stay straight off of exit and proceed through 8 traffic lights
Stay right of viaduct and take a left onto Spring Street
Next traffic light take a left onto Mitchell Street.

From I-20 East:
Exit 56B (Windsor Street, Spring Street, Turner Field)
At bottom of hill turn left onto Spring Street
Go through 4 traffic lights and take a right onto Mitchell Street.


From I-20 West:
Exit 56B (Windsor Street, Spring Street)
Take right at stop sign onto Spring Street
Go through 4 traffic lights and take a right onto Mitchell Street.

Exit at 5 Points Station
Go to Forsyth Street side
McDonalds will be on left
Go 2 blocks South to corner of corner of Forsyth & Mitchell Streets.
Take a right onto Mitchell Street.